Dustin's Novel

The final book in the Dustin Time Trilogy.

Release date April 12, 2016

Katie and Dustin have had to time travel before to right some wrongs, but that’s not the answer or even an option this time around.

Struggling daily to deal with devastating news delivered by a time-traveling Frank, Katie immerses herself in Dusty’s latest manuscript. While trying to correct her own fate, she finds herself completely captivated with Captain Skinnard’s world.

She learns that their lives are intertwined with Dusty’s writing far more than she could ever imagine. From innocent phrases used by her daughter to the names of children and pets, Katie is in constant amazement of the twisted pretzel of time.

Enjoy the final installment in this time-traveling trilogy where you’ll join Dustin and Katie in a new phase in their lives and a touch of sci-fi in Dustin’s Novel.


Instead of being frightened as seeing Frank/Dusty, Katie crossed her arms over her chest. “He gave in too easily.”

“Who gave in too easily?” the older Dusty asked.

“Vick, jackass. Oh, here’s your kid. Okay, I’ll just give up traipsing the galaxy now. No problem. Feel free to die now. Ahhhhh!!” Her hands dropped at her side.

“I’m glad to see you, too.”

“Seriously, Dusty. Make him work for it a little.”

“You’re yelling at the wrong ‘me,’ doll face.”

“Oh, you’ll get it when you get home.”

“How about I get it now,” he said, waggling his eyebrows.

Katie scrunched her eyebrows. “Gawd. Even at your age you’re still this way? I’m not sleeping with the seventy year old you, Dusty.”

“Why not? The almost eighty year old you doesn’t mind.”

That sent her laughing until she snorted. “God, I love you.”

“Annnnd I see you still call me God.”

“Stop it,” She finally walked over and gave him a strong hug. “Should I be worried that you’re here? Please don’t make me or you travel through time again. We’re so happy.”

He clasped both of her hands tight. “No way. I just thought now was a good time to come see you.”

“I know there’s more to this. You showing up is never a good thing.”

“Is too. Last time I showed up, I called me, if you recall. I saved Courtney’s life.”

“I know…but…I’ve just gotten used to the stories. I think I actually know which life is mine. Which ‘you’ I won over and when.”

“You mean which ‘me’ won you over.”

“Whatever. I love you but please go.”

“Can’t you even spare a cup of coffee?”

She crossed her arms and squinted for a moment before she answered. “Fine. But you go before you come home.”


They sat together on the porch swing out back. Dusty finally spoke up after a far too uncomfortable silence.

“I lied. I did come for a reason.”



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